Friday, July 15, 2011


So here's what I take daily:

-Solgar Female multiple.  (Solgar - Female Multiple, 120 tablets)
-Baby Aspirin.
-Cinnamon supplements.  (NOW Foods Cinnamon Bark 600mg, 240 Capsules)
-Fish oil capsules
-Vitamin D

I know what you must be thinking, no wonder!  But everything I take is the recommended dose with the exception of the vitamin D because the amount contained in my multiple is insufficient.  I live in the Northeast and certainly do not see enough of the sun, especially when suffering from winter depression. For this reason I have increased the dosage, but again, not to the degree where it would be considered harmful.

I take a lot of things (though I know plenty of people who take much more) because I care about my health and recognize that the average American diet and lifestyle is void of things that produce good health.  And I probably live a healthier lifestyle than the majority.

I take the female multiple for obvious reasons.  I take the baby aspirin for my heart which is recommended of all adults post age 35.  I take the cinnamon to help regulate my insulin and I believe it has helped keep me off a higher dose of Metformin.  I take fish oil because with Metabolic Syndrome (obesity/insulin problem) comes high triglycerides.

The truth is even if I took only an average daily vitamin and skipped everything else I would most likely still have trouble.  It takes as little as 1/2 a dose to trigger changes in my bathroom habits (I know because I experimented when I was trying to determine if vitamins were the cause.) That is just the way my body seems to work these days.

I am not ruling out other causes and when I see my physician in a few months I am gong to mention my difficulties to make sure there isn't something bigger going on like Chrohn's disease.  Vitamins are a common cause of diarrhea and it just wouldn't stand to reason that the sympotms would stop if there was another cause.

If any of you have had similar problems and know of a solution, please share! I would love to continue to take my vitamins without aggravating my digestive system.  While my goal is always to eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables, it is often still not enough.

"All those vitamins aren't to keep death at bay, they're to keep deterioration at bay."
-Jeanne Moreau 


  1. Is it possible to talk to your Dr sooner than a few months from now? I guess it depends how bad/inconveniencing/uncomfortable your problem is... Maybe he/she will have a suggestion so you don't have to wait it out...?

  2. I see her very soon. I don't think this constitutes an emergency. If health care costs in this country were reasonable, I certainly might attend to it sooner, but I think I will hold out and save myself a ridiculous bill. I do like my supplements but I don't think not taking vitamins is putting me in any immediate danger. I will simply have to do what nature intended- get my nutrients through diet and sunshine.
