Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 149 and counting

Jennifer, I LOVE your egg muffin recipe. I know what I'm making tonight for breakfast tomorrow! = ) Not really sure how I feel about the asparagus though. That's one veggie that I begrudgingly consume when the hubby is hungry for it. I don't think its the taste but rather the smell. The soup sounds good though. = D That's something that is really tough for me with my schedule. EATING BREAKFAST. I am often up late at night getting just basic chores and child rearing before I can even think about going to bed. Come morning, I am so tired that I sleep until the last minute, tuck a child under each arm while trying to slip my shoes on and scoot off out the door. The kids eat breakfast at Grandma's house, but I am left with fast food or no food option until lunch. By then, I am starving and seeking something fast and filling...its a ruthless cycle that requires a ton of planning ahead of time to try and break. I am a little irritated with myself, actually. I am on day 149 of my diet, and my baby steps forward are now feeling like giant elephant steps back. I am unfocused and trying to find my footing. I am trying to find balance in being a good mom and being good to myself. Being a working mom of preschoolers is difficult when everything is going well. This last month has basically been a wash, diet wise, having gone on vacation, then come home to nurse a sick family. First Ean was sick with a cold and ear infection, then Elijah came down with a double ear infection, then Ean had skin fungus on his behind, then I was sick, then John was sick, and now Ean is sick AGAIN, ear infection, double pinkeye, and respiratory infection. In addition to nursing the infirm members of my family, I have been shuttling to doctor's appointments, picking and administering prescriptions at their required intervals and cleaning/disinfecting like crazy to try to erradicate the offending germs in the house-- bleaching floors, sinks, countertops, door handles, washing sheets and airing out the house. I have been preparing meals for the "quick" factor, but quick doesn't always mean good for you. I am going to look into some new crock-pot meals to get some better dinner options going. I am completely open to suggestions. I have chicken noodle, beef stew and chili down in the crock pot, but past that point I get stuck. I am trying to get my kids more interested in different vegetables. Ean I usually don't have a problem with, in fact, on some mornings he will come to me with a can of veggies under one arm, asking for peas please! Elijah doesn't touch veggies uness you make him. I had them plant some veggie seeds in some little peat-pots: green beans, peas, tomatoes, and pumpkins. Elijah got so excited when they started to sprout! We'll put them in their little raised bed this weekend. = ) I am also committing to 10 minutes 2 x a day on my elliptical, starting tomorrow morning! My plan is to add 5 minutes per session per week, until I work up to 45 minutes per. That will put me on a slow, 6 week ramp up to build my stamina.

1 comment:

  1. I'm no expert but at day 149 it's easy to understand why you aren't seeing the results you want! You need to SLEEP - EAT BREAKFAST - and CREATE TIME to EXERCISE! Establish a nighttime routine and stick to it. So what if the bathroom isn't clean, as long as you're not expecting guests...it can wait. You are important & so is your sleep! Eat breakfast - even if it's a banana and an apple out the door. God gave us the original fast food. And make time for yourself to exercise! Schedule it! When my kids were small I'd walk with one in the stroller and one on the bike with training wheels...then both on the bikes...then one running with me and one on the bike. The kids LOVED spending time with me and being outdoors...your kids might enjoy that time with you too. Do this for you! You are worth it! When you are happy...your family will be happiest!
