Thursday, March 17, 2011


I just spent 90 minutes on the phone with a debt counsellor only for him to tell me what I already know.  "You're credit scores are excellent."  "You're mortgage is current."  "You're not behind on any of your bills." (here comes the kicker)  "You're actually using less than 35% of the credit available to you- the agencies like to see that!"  (I must be imagining I'm in debt)  "So there isn't a lot we can offer you...I can't recommend bankruptcy and in order for us to work with the credit card companies we have to demonstrate an inability to pay...uh...yeah...have a nice life!"  "Come see us again when you've been completely reckless with your credit and spending!"  Basically after they humiliatingly examine every aspect of your life with a fine-tooth comb, they deliver the news that there is nothing they can do for you!

This was the crap I had to listen to AFTER having heard a similar song and dance from my credit union the day before.  The same credit union that told my husband they couldn't issue him a low-interest credit card like mine, because he had too many open lines of credit with other banks. Then close those and give us the lower interest card please!  It should be no surprise that it took us a little more than a year to be returning to them now in credit card debt.  "What's that?" "You couldn't give us a low-interest credit card back when we had no debt, but now that we are in debt from our high-interest card you recommend we apply for a loan???"  No debt = not trustworthy; Debt = trustworthy enough for a loan??  And then let me guess, you'll deny the loan based on the amount of debt we're currently carrying...??  I'm done with them too!

Why are there so many bankruptcies in this country??  Maybe it's because we offer absolutely no real help until your destitute!  So much for an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  There seems to be a lack of help in this country for those who are genuinely trying to be responsible and stop a problem before it's a devastating catastrophe.  We don't prevent disease in this country, only cure.  Excuse me, I mean treat!  I know my health insurance isn't willing to pay jack sh*t for my insulin problem, but a representative said it will pay once I am full-blown Diabetic!  When I attempted to get nutritional counseling before my weight skyrocketed, I was told my insurance wouldn't cover it but guess what, If I balloon up to 600 pounds than it will cover Bariatric surgery.  Great!

We want to talk about all the Americans losing their homes in foreclosures and the number of people who are one paycheck away from being in the street, but we don't have any help for you until you are paycheck-less and in the street.  I can't tell you how many times I've tried to refinance my mortgage in the last two years with no success.  "Take advantage of the rates!"  "Take advantage of the rates!"  Well apparently home values have plummeted making it near impossible to "take advantage of the rates!" but I didn't see my property taxes come down any!  Funny, my home value has been negatively affected when it comes to refinancing my mortgage, but when it comes to accessing my taxes I live in a mansion!  They've got everything set up in this country to screw you! We don't help American families from accumulating debt; we only help to bail them out once it's beyond repair!  BTW, I decided to keep track of some things this week and I don't mean my spending.  In two days time my husband and I received in the mail offers for credit from the following banks:

-Citibank (2)
-Discover (1)
-American Express (2)
-Chase Manhattan (4) (they want us in debt baaad!)
-Slate (1)
-Barclays (1)

We get this many credit card applications in the mail every single day!  Huh, doesn't seem like they are all that concerned about saving trees or the environment when it comes to junk mail, only when it comes to paperless billing... 

"A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it." - Bob Hope


  1. Every time you receive a credit card offer, return the form in their postage paid envelope with a note written directly on the application form that says "please remove me from your mailing list.". It will effectively stop future mailings and truly save the trees you mention.

  2. I can recall having taken time to do that in the past. It seemed as though the offers kept coming, but I haven't done it recently (not since I switched addresses) so maybe it's time to give it a another shot! ;-) I resent these companies using the environment as yet another way to make money. They "care" when it comes to saving themselves money (paperless billing) but could careless if it means missing an opportunity to profit (7 pieces of junkmail a day) Can anyone out there confirm that using the return envelope works...?? If so, perhaps we can promote a movement!

  3. This is worked for me! I receive no offers at all.

  4. Awesome! Will try this method again and report back the results!
