Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So I had an interesting conversation with a friend last night.  We share similar viewpoints on diet, exercise, and natural eating.  In fact, I would say excluding myself, she is the most informed person I know regarding these matters (outside of my immediate circle who has involuntarily absorbed knowledge due to my constant blabbering about corn by-products and sludge farming ;-)  We covered the basics: buying organic, to soy or not to soy, and of course, the latest in food documentaries.  What cracked me up is how she is regarded by family as Debbie Downer because she practices her know-how.  If she's Debbie Downer, I'd hate to see what they'd call me!  It amazes me that the people who stay consciously informed are the ones to be ostracized by society.  Well forgive me if I'm not like Purchase Patty- throwin' any damn thing in my food cart!  Unfortunately, the only information most folks bother to gather about their groceries is the price!

Our discussion quickly turned to success strategies and what makes a blog get noticed, how do you pick up readers, how do you do advertising...blah blah blah.  My response...I have no idea.  I never did this before.  In fact, I never even read a blog before Julie and Julia?!  I didn't start this blog with any notion other than to be brutally honest about my struggle and write what comes to mind.  It has occurred to me that maybe I'm not doing this correctly or going about it the right way.  I guess my fear all along has been, the more time you put into the telling of your story, the less time you have to actually solve the dilemma you're in!  But I guess I need to make some adjustments and find a balance that is both conducive to my weight-loss efforts, yet satisfactory to my audience.  I want you all to know that I haven't been purposely neglectful.  It's a lack of experience coupled with a learning curve.

For instance, I realized not long ago that I can respond to the comments people post.  I thought I was replying by email, but apparently not when "no reply comment" appears in the address!  Pfttt!  Who knew!  LOL.  Some bloggers reply and others let the audience battle it out, but I feel it is important to acknowledge the comments and advice people have taken the time to share.  So Samantha, TNJ, Christina, Bex, Chrissy, boundlessoracle, DH Clark, etc. and all the other anonymous voices out there- guess what??  I've replied to your comments and have asked Tera to do the same.  Better late than never, right!?  Going forward I will be responding to comments (especially now that I know how) and growing the blog to make for a more enjoyable reading experience.  Here's some of what you can hope to see in the future:

*Replies to comments
*More photos
*Updated profiles
*Better editing
*More recipes & tips
*More followers
*Other favorite blogs
*And most importantly, MORE WEIGHT LOSS!!!

I will be studying some other blogs and reading what the experts have to say, but please, if you know of something I could be doing better- share!  Happy blogging!  And enjoy the funny video!  Debbie Downer SNL Skit

And Becky...

“Always be yourself because the people that matter don't mind and the ones that mind don't matter!” 


  1. I'm honored Jennifer!! :) Cesar and I just watched the video and he was almost crying he was laughing so hard. When I asked him, if I was that bad....he said he's pretty sure I've said some of those things...lol. He likes to exaggerate. I WILL keep being me and trying to educate my loved ones on what is un/healthy. Afterall, I don't want to waste my public health degree ;)

  2. It's a funny video. I think we are all guilty of being Debbie Downers at times. What we can take away from this is to continue to be informed, but try and minimize the impact that information has on our happiness and the happiness of others :-)
