Saturday, April 23, 2011


It has been an interesting week.  I think I have created quite the dynamic for myself.  We kicked things off with some extreme carb eating, which not only allowed me to rid my pantry of all non-paleo foods, but it also served as a means of comparison for the start-up of the paleo diet.  I then dove deeply into a completely grain and carbohydrate free eating style.  So far, so good.  I made note of all the physiological characteristics I experienced during and prior to carb fest, and have begun doing the same with my now protein pumped menu.  I am literally a human experiment!

It is too early to draw any real conclusions, but I can tell you that I have noticed some changes.  My husband switched over a day or two before me, so he too must be feeling some changes.  He did complain of a slight headache and some gas.  I am happy to report that I'm not sick, I'm not without energy, and my usual Meth-like symptoms are no worse than usual.  I'm not going to say it's been easy, but so far it's been worth it.  I plan to stick it out a bit longer and see where this takes me.

Tomorrow is Easter and I have a good plan in motion.  First, skip all family functions where an abundance of carb loaded food will not only be served, but forced on you.  Two, come up with your own tantalizing meal that does not leave you hankering for Easter bread and ham gravy.  I am making Irish Stew. It's a very tasty dish of short ribs in a braising sauce with some root vegetables.


"The pride you gain is worth the pain." Dennis Ogilvie


  1. Stick with the Paleo for at least 6 weeks to give it it's fair due time...that gives you time to adjust to the food needs you'll need to have in the house and the food intake you'll need to sustain your daily calories. I remember my husband would go to the market every Friday and buy 5lbs of grapes, a watermelon, a basket of apples, 5 lbs of bananas and lots of vegetables. It took us awhile to get all the quantities of foods right. The Paleo eating is slightly cheaper in summer as foods come into season here in PA. Strawberries are coming!!!
    Simply Orange orange juice was also a staple in the diet. It was allowed since all sugars are natural. I also went to the Mennonite dried goods store and bought various dried fruits along with shelled sunflower seeds to make my own dried fruit blend...I lived off that stuff since I didn't have my pretzels! Oh and we'd buy a 10lb bag of chicken every week too and make spiced rubbed chicken that could be eaten cold on a salad or warmed up. I'd be happy to share that recipe if interested. wk

  2. Always happy to get a recipe, so share away! I live at the farmer's market and we have indeed been loading up on the fruit and vegetables. Ironic you mentioned watermelon as I had that for breakfast this week along with hard-boiled eggs. Yes it is expensive, but all healthy eating is. My groceries have never been cheap because I have always bought premium products. We are simply reallocating the money we would normally spend on rice, pasta, breakfast cereal, snacks, etc to produce and meat now.
