Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The last two days haven't been the greatest for me.  I have broken open a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and consumed a Baconator sandwich within the same forty-eight hours.  Let me provide you some further details.  The Mac n' cheese is no surprise.  I think by now we're all fully aware of my persistent desire to consume macaroni and cheese in every available form, but the Baconator is a bit of an upset.  For those who are unfamiliar, the Baconator is the 900+ calorie, double-decker, bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's that just spits in the face of all whom are demanding healthier menu items.  What's really sick about it is I don't even eat fast-food, not even when I'm not dieting!  I don't really have a good explanation for this other than to say my highs are very high, but my lows can be equally as extreme.  I wish I could tell you that I didn't enjoy eating this and that it made me sick, but in keeping with the honesty of this blog, I have to tell you that I enjoyed every overly salty moment of it.  A bliss that has a cost.

Yesterday was "Weigh-in Tuesday" and it was not exactly a celebratory moment when I stepped on the scale.  I did not lose any weight, in fact, I gained a pound.  Not losing weight this week is really not a surprise.  I've mentioned before that the pattern seems to be a week of weight-loss followed by a week of no weight-loss, but gaining a pound sorta unnerved me.  I'm sure the pound is temporary and has everything to do with the indulgence that took place the night before, but that didn't stop me from sulking and skipping my workout.  You've met Katie Fantastic, my super-duper strong and healthy altar-ego.  Now I feel it is only fair to acknowledge the hedonistic side of me, the bad-altar ego that resides inside the same being.  I thought long and hard for what I should call her, that evil, glutinous, b*tch!  I tapped in to a childhood memory that will serve me well in this case- the first time someone called attention to me being fat.  It still stands out in my mind.  I was in Elementary school and a boy in my third grade class called me "Barbells!"  He was the younger brother, of my brother's best friend.  My brother, who is ten years older than me, never usually had access to such information because of our age difference.  This age difference, however, never stopped him from teasing me relentlessly.  Thanks to the fact that his friend had a brother the same age as me, he became privy to this information and so the torture began.  Luckily, I had shaken this name by junior high as my popularity with both the cool kids and the not so cool kids began to grow, but I will still never forget it!  It is for this reason that my bad altar-ego shall go by the name...Barbells!  Let's pray Katie Fantastic knows how to kick her ass!

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” -Truman Capote

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