Sunday, December 5, 2010


So I'm sure you've noticed that my partner in crime seems to have gone missing.  She missed this week's blog all-together, and many of you have sent messages inquiring about her absence.  I've held off from addressing the issue because I figure everyone is entitled to a bad week, but may I be the first to say that I am concerned for Tera because she is one of the most reliable people I know.  I never would have chosen her to embark on this mission with me, if I didn't believe her to be equally as capable of achieving the goal and sharing her triumphs and tribulations consistently with an audience.  I have emailed and called hoping to gain an explanation so I can lend my support, but have gotten no response.  This worries me.  I hope she has not given up.  Most of all, I hope whatever is standing in the way does not continue to be a roadblock to her success and healing.  It is a dim day for me because like you, I look forward to hearing about her experiences and gaining strength from her insight.  There is definitely something to be said for the synergy that exists when two friends join forces against the same fight.  Tera, if you are listening to me way down there in Texas, "THIS BLOG NEEDS YOU...AND SO DO I...DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING BY MY FAT ALL ALONE!!!"  

Weight loss isn't for the faint of heart.  I think we can all agree that having someone to brave the rapids with you can certainly add to your strength and success, but I also believe that sometimes we have to paddle on our own.  I am hoping to continue this journey as it was intended, with both of us bringing you our experiences.  For this reason and until I here differently, we will continue the format of each of us providing our entry, every other day.  But I want you to know, should things change, I will paddle alone!  I WILL NOT GIVE UP THIS FIGHT OR THIS BLOG UNTIL I REACH MY GOAL!!  Stay tuned!  I hope the next person we hear from is Tera!

"Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success." -Unknown


  1. Jennifer, One of you friends forwarded me your blog!!! It is such a hard journey...I'm on it with you. Congrats on your successes thus far, and the many to come!


  2. Christina,

    Welcome aboard! I'd love to hear more about your experience! Thanks always for the encouragement!
