Saturday, December 11, 2010


It's time for me to introduce you to MY second I.  I call her Katie Fantastic and she is a she-wolf!  Ever see or hear something that just instantly moves you to action?  Well let me tell you how it happened for me.  I was standing in my friend's apartment, drink in hand, when this music video came on TV.  I was utterly and completely captivated.  Slightly shocked, a bit applauded, but I couldn't take my eyes off it.  It was at this moment that I realized I must do something about my current condition.  First, as a disclaimer, I would like to say that I am not gay, I'm not a slut, and I don't generally buy when sex is what is for sale, but this was overwhelming to my senses.  It is the Shakira music video for She Wolf, and it is what best captures the energy and drive I channel when I am Katie Fantastic!  If you've never seen it, and believe me you would remember if you had, please take a moment to watch it- the entire video please, full-screen, as it is worth the three minutes and forty-nine seconds for shock value alone.  If you have seen it, please re-watch, as it bears repeating.  Then we will resume.

She-Wolf Video

Love or hate her, the girl got some moves!  Let's just say that every time I hear this song I start movin'.  I don't have a cage in my basement, yet, but I can be found reenacting this video several times a week.  Perhaps by the end of this journey I will be able to dance the whole thing.  Now that'd be a video worth seeing!! ;-)  I guess what I'm trying to say is that, we all at times lack the motivation to be our best.  It is a mental game and sometimes you have to dig deep and use whatever you got, even just your imagination, to take things to a higher level.  I can tell you that when I am working-out and I have pushed myself to the limit, it is Katie Fantastic that takes me through those last minutes of exercise.  Whether I am at the gym or returning back to my house from a run, I am, in those last seconds, screaming inside my head, "I AM KATIE FANTASTIC!!!"  Because if I didn't, I might never make it home!  One of these days, my neighbors are gonna hear me scream out that phrase as I'm nearing the driveway!  Any time someone says to me, "how did you do that??"  My response is always, "it must have been Katie Fantastic!' 

You may not be as extreme a person as me, but it never hurts to have a technique like this in your back pocket.  Did you think about the list of attributes I assigned??  Do you have a sense of what you would like those headlines to say about you??  Great!  Now you need a name!  A theme song may not be a bad idea either.  Use some of your adjectives to design a name for yourself as I did with fantastic.  Maybe you have a mundane first name like me (Jennifer).  Pick the name you've always wanted; the one you wish your mommy had given you!  Check out Drew Barrymore's movie, "Whip it," for some inspiration.  It's a total girl-power movie and those girls chose some amazing names as their roller derby names.  “Eva Destruction."  "Maggie Mayhem!”  LOL.  Celebrities rarely go by their God given name.  Maybe a shorter version of your real name?  Esteemed tattoo artist Katherine Drachenberg nicknamed herself KatVonD.  Use whatever works and gives you the motivation you need.  Don't stress about it as you can always change it later should you think of something better.  Then, start tapping into your power.  Anytime you are nervous about something, sheepish in a situation, lacking the perseverance to push through, remember who you are!  Remember your altar-ego!  Anytime I get worn out or are feeling low, I just start humming the tune to She-Wolf in my head.  "Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent, the moon's my teacher, and I'm her student...there's a she-wolf in your closet, open up and set her free...."

"To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are." -anonymous

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