Saturday, January 1, 2011


I'm sure you can tell by yesterday's photos that our lobster dinner was a success!  It was my first time ordering live lobsters through the Internet, and also my first time cooking a live lobster.  I had reservations about both, but the experience was surprisingly easy and the lobster was delicious!  For those of you who do not know me personally, I must explain that l am an animal lover to the extreme.  I have always felt a deep connection to animals, especially wildlife, which I spent a number of years helping as an "unofficial" wildlife rehabilitator.  So the thought of receiving two live animals and then dropping them in a pot of boiling water was not an easy endeavor for me.  But, one must learn to challenge thyself.  I was pretty sure the experience was gonna make or break me.

The lobsters arrived in a large cardboard box.  I think this was the worse part- just knowing that there was something alive in there sorta creeped me out.  As I stared at the box sitting on my kitchen counter, on guard waiting to notice the slightest little movement, the box did not move.  Then I began to think, "what if they're dead!?"  I was pretty sure this whole experience was gonna turn me vegetarian.  My husband sliced open the box and sure enough, they were alive and well.  A little subdued, but alive.  Once having faced them, the experience got a whole lot easier.  I did not want any undue suffering.  "We have to cook them right away," I said.  The instructions said you could store them in your refrigerator's crisper drawer, but I couldn't bare the thought.  For those of you whom have never done this before, I will tell you, it goes fast!  Within seconds of hitting the boiling water the lobsters turn red, and contrary to popular belief, they do not scream!  Lobsters do not have vocal chords and the sound that is sometimes associated with cooking them is a release of air coming from their stomachs as they steam.  Scientists believe that lobsters are so primitive, being absent of a central nervous system, that they do not feel any pain.  I'm not sure whether I believe that, as I feel all creatures have a life force, but I certainly was clinging to science's beliefs as we were dropping them in the water.

My husband had to do the dirty.  Being an ex-hunter, I knew he was the man for the job.  Still, it was no easy task for him either, as I say EX-hunter for good reason.  He too has an undying devotion to animals now.  As we were about to drop them in the pot, we borrowed a line from the movie, "AVATAR."  "I see you brother," was the lobster's last know words as we dunked them in their sea of fate.  Moments later we were chowing down on some of the most deliciously sweet and tasty lobster I had ever had.  Melted butter, biscuits, chowder, a salad and baked potato completed the meal.  We had an extraordinary white wine called "Big Claw," which we toted home with us on our last visit to Maine.  Finally, for dessert we had chocolate wine cake.  Manifique!  My belly was full!  More than full!  In fact, here's where it gets interesting.  As my hubby and I descended downstairs to watch the ball drop I said, "I think I ate too much!"  Within moments my stomach started gurgling.  While I hoped I was mistaken, deep down I knew what was in store for me on this cold New Year's Eve.  THE LOBSTER WOULD HAVE HIS REVENGE!!!  LOL!  (Chrissy, this one's for you!)

I will say that the next few hours were rather interesting.  I spent many of them in and out of the bathroom.  See there's one small problem when you restrict your calories for an extended period of time and then all of a sudden gorge on a really rich meal- it doesn't always agree with you!  I immediately thought about the cast of Survivor and how they get sick after they feast on a food reward.  Dieting IS real-life survivor folks!  My husband and I began to laugh as we thought about the very real possibility that I may be indisposed at the time of the New Year's kiss.  All laughter aside...we did have a very nice New Year's Eve and a very nice meal that I hate to admit was worth the gastrointestinal worries!  I hope you all had an equally pleasant evening.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Should anyone be interested in having a similar experience, minus the bathroom finale, here are the companies and recipes we used.

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food."  -George Bernard Shaw 


  1. HooRAY! I got a shout out...

    hilarious. I TOLD you thats what happens! I'm surprised it didn't happen with your fast food trip! I'm glad you had an awesome meal, its making me hungry just reading about it!
