Monday, January 3, 2011


Today is January second.  It is a new year and with it comes a new vision.  I finished my vision board over the holiday.  Well, I did not finish it one hundred percent, but almost.  I still need to fill in a few gaps with some additional images as I find them, but the outline and plan is definitely in motion.  My vision grew so big that I ended up using both sides of the board.  Here's how I broke it down.

At the center of my board is the center of my life.  My husband.  He is the glue that holds everything together in my world and not for one single minute of any day do I ever take that for granted.  I have a pink triangle framing the words "consummate love," a theory developed by psychologist Robert Sternberg.  Consummate Love is the most complete form of love containing three main components: intimacy, passion, and commitment.  Intimacy recognizes the warmth, closeness, and sharing in a relationship.  Passion refers to the intense feelings, both good and bad, experienced in love, including sexual desire.  Commitment is the intent to maintain a relationship in spite of difficulties that may arise.  Sternberg's synopsis of love is compelling and this Triangular Theory of Love is what we strive for every day in our relationship.

In the upper right corner of my board you will see clippings of Venice, Greece, Australia, and other destinations.  Some places are new, others are spots I'm hoping to return to.  Travel is deeply important to me and I get crazy with excitement every time I go some place new.  Traveling opens my eyes to a whole other world- one different from the everyday things I've become accustomed to.  I come home inspired by a new understanding of culture, people, and the landscape.  It literally rejuvenates my soul and opens up the bounds of my creativity.  I thought to include a small spot of camping stickers as my husband and I have never gone camping together.  Being outdoors somewhere picturesque can be just as good for the soul as a fancy vacation.  I would like to do this sometime soon.

The lower left corner contains phrases and pictures surrounding my passion for photography, writing, and creative expression.  I hope to manifest some new skills, equipment, and opportunities that may allow me to expand on my passions, and help me develop my ability to express them.  Directly above this I have placed the ideas of money, success, and career.  I hope to bridge the gap between the things that I enjoy doing and a means to make a living.  My most heartfelt wish would be to have a career that allows me to do what I love, and share it with the world in a way that helps to lift others up.

The upper left corner contains details about my home and my passion for decorating.  Home is where the heart is and my home is the foundation for my relationship, my life, and my world.  I hope for continued strength, success, and stability in my home.

Finally, the reverse side of the board is dedicated, of course, to health and fitness.  I put images of strength, power, and perseverance as reminders that will hopefully help me find my way back to good health.  One activity I miss dearly is running.  I hope this imagery helps me envision a future where I am capable of running like I used to.  Directly aside of this I placed images of fashion and style and pictures of favorite dressers like Katie Holmes, who has this great European sense of style that I so admire.  I placed a great big image of her in the center along with some pics of Sarah Jessica Parker who also has great fashion sense.  This is one thing I miss deeply- being fashionable.  I used to be quite a gal of style, always amazing those around me with my ability to keep with the latest trends.  I really enjoyed this, but it gets increasingly more difficult to do as you gain weight.  Eventually you find that you have given up!  I am still aware of the trends, but each shed pound puts me closer to embracing them again.

This is my vision for 2011.  I hope having put some of my ideas before you inspires you to imagine a year filled with blessings.

"Keep your dreams alive.  Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication.  Remember all things are possible for those who believe." -Gail Devers

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