Yesterday was "Weigh-in Tuesday" and it was a disappointing result. I have lost one more pound, which is certainly not anything to jump up and down about. It's not a bad thing, but it certainly isn't what I was striving for after a two week vacation over the holidays. Truth be told, I probably would not have even lost the pound, except last minute I put in to play my "Winter Contingency Plan."
The "Post-Holiday Blues" has really affected my motivation, but I DO believe the worst is behind me. I took a walk outside yesterday despite the icy conditions, shoveled snow, and set up a card table in my basement where I began putting a puzzle together (don't laugh- puzzles have come a long way with digital photography and they have super cool ones now that glow in the dark, are 3-dimensional, and can even be interactive with your computer.) I also hooked up a humidifier in my bedroom. I put some comedy DVD's in my Netflix cue, and I purchased tickets to see Lisa Lampenelli. I haven't figured out a project yet, but I put together another one of my infamous lists of things I think need tackling in the next few months. I'll keep you apprised of how my contingency plan is working out, but in the meantime, be patient, I am a WORK-IN-PROGRESS! The way I see it...
Shoveling + outdoor walk = sunlight exposure
Puzzle = activity to keep idle hands out of potato chip bag
Comedy DVD's + a night out at the Lampenelli show = a lifted mood
Humidifier = less snake skin
These things should help. I have faith in my weight-loss approach, I simply allowed the January depression to slow down my efforts. Here's to hoping for a better week!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill
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