Thursday, June 9, 2011


Coming off our discussion about popular weight-loss shows like The Biggest Loser as discussed in the May 6th post, SO WHERE ARE THEY NOW...??,  I'd like to discuss some strategies for permanent weight-loss.  What enables one person to keep the pounds off indefinitely, while the majority gain back all their weight and then some within a year of having lost it??  What does the permanent weight-loss group know, that other dieters don't??  What things are they doing to keep the weight off!?

I've researched this subject matter many times and have compiled a short list of factors that may be contributing to their success.  According to the experts, the following behaviors are consistent with permanent weight-loss.


If there is one concept that every one from The Mayo Clinic to Weight Watchers agrees on, it is to eat breakfast.  Studies show that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers.  Eating a healthy breakfast reduces hunger throughout the day and helps people to make better food choices at other meal times.  Individuals who eat breakfast are better at balancing calories with exercise.  Breakfast benefits include everything from lower cholesterol levels, increased mental concentration, to strength and endurance to engage in physical activity.


Ninety percent of those who successfully maintain their weight admit to thirty to sixty minutes of exercise daily.  Many walk or do outside activities, others visit a gym and participate in weight training, while others do a combination of both.  One thing is for certain, exercise is essential to permanent weight-loss.


More than half of all those successful at permanent weight loss report watching fewer than ten hours of television per week.  Others have reported substituting computer time and video games, for other more physical hobbies like gardening and bicycling.  Whatever activity you chose, one thing is for sure, if your day is divided up by a combination of TV time, web surfing, and sitting at the office, you are destined to have a long lasting weight problem.


Seventy-five percent of former fatties report weighing themselves at least once a week.  Success is attributed to other self- monitoring activities like calorie counting, portion control, meal planning, and recording daily intake.  Funny how these exact activities have been attacked by weight-loss experts in the past, yet they are now being identified as key components in the success of those maintaining permanent weight loss.


Those most successful at this were no longer willing to hide behind excuses like "I have no time for exercise" and "I have to buy junk food because I have kids."  All were willing to set up an environment for success which included everything from buying healthy whole foods in place of convenience items, to preparing meals in advance including packing lunches.  Replacing self-defeating dialogue like "I hate exercising" and "I gain weight no matter what I do" with a more empowered mindset is also key.


The most obvious tool in successful, permanent, weight-loss is a change in diet. Those who are successful at maintaining their weight report the following changes: smaller portions, more fruits and vegetables, fewer fatty foods and sweetened beverages.  A large fraction of this group also made efforts to reduce or balance their carbohydrate intake in exchange for more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Many reported drinking more water.

I'm sure you've heard all this before, but sometimes it bares repeating. Tomorrow I will report on what strategies I am using to lose weight, and which factors I feel will contribute to permanent weight loss.  Some are consistent with the findings above, but some are uniquely my own discovery.  

For more information on permanent weight-loss studies, statistics, and success strategies, please visit The National Weight Loss Registry!

“Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past” – Tyron Edwards 

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