I just wanted to take a quick moment to familiarize you with the features of this blog, and to introduce you to some new features!
1.) There are now tabs at the top of the page entitled "HOME," "ABOUT ME," "ABOUT THIS BLOG," and "BECOME A TILLY." These are tabs to static pages that provide some background on who I am, what the blog is about, and how you can participate. If you are brand new to this blog, these pages should give a better understanding of what Two-Ton Tillies is about. This is in addition to my Blogger profile which still remains at the bottom of the blog with a small pic entitled "about me." You can click "view my complete profile" to see more.
2.) I have added Google's "+1" feature. For those unfamiliar, +1 allows you to tag your favorite search results, websites, blogs, etc. It allows you to recommend and share with your your friends without sending an email. Here is a video to help you understand how +1 works. Google +1 video. You can recommend a particular Two-Ton Tilles post by clicking the +1 button that appears in the "comments/reactions" bar at the end of each post. You can still email a post to a friend by clicking on the red "M" that also appears in the "comments/reaction" bar at the end of each post. This will open a window where you can type the email addresses of your friends to automatically forward a copy of the post.
3.) At the bottom of the blog, right below the "POPULAR POSTS" area, there is a window marked "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" with a submit button. Type your email address in the window and click submit to be put on the Two Ton Tillies mailing list. Every time a new post is added you will receive a notification via email containing that post.
4.) I have also added the "POPULAR POSTS" feature also located at the end of the blog. This is a link list of the ten most popular Two-Ton Tillies posts. If you are searching for a a particular post, at the very top, left hand corner of the blog, in the Blogger navigation bar, is a search window. Type a keyword and a list of matching posts will populate beginning with the most recent post featuring the query word.
5.) If you are curious about numbers, above the "POPULAR POSTS" area you will find the "TOTAL PAGEVIEWS" count that records visits to this blog.
6.) There is a number of ways you can express opinions about posts and see what others have said about them. At the end of each post is the "comments/reactions" bar. After reading a post you may click on one or more of the "reactions" boxes to record your reaction, and also see others' reactions. If you are feeling more expressive, you can click on the "comments" link to see comments from other readers, and to open a box entitled "Post a Comment," to type your own comment. If you are a follower, please remember to sign in first so your comments are recorded with your name. If you are not a follower, remember to include your name or initials if you want to be recognized as all comments are automatically recored as anonymous.
7.) IF YOU ARE NOT A FOLLOWER, PLEASE BECOME ONE! ;-) It only takes a moment to set up a free Google account (if you don't already have one) to become a follower. You can skip the photo or attach a cartoon image if you'd like. It's encouraging to have followers. I hope those who are enjoying the posts will take an extra moment to become a follower. A list of followers can be found directly below the advertisements. There is a gray "FOLLOW" button to click to set up an account to become a follower. This is also where you sign-in before commenting on posts.
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