As if seeing that photo of myself at the ballpark wasn't shocking enough, I got another eye opener this week. Let's talk about that supermarket camera@!*!? You know, the one that stares you right in the face as you calmly collect your grocery cart when first entering the store...? There you are having a perfectly good day, feeling pretty good about your progress, a little extra bounce in your Nike's, and then BAM! You casually look up and notice this dark and very large figure looming just behind you. You are about to duck the knife that is sure to take a slice at you like the caped man from the Scream movies, when upon closer review you realize the large, washed out, dark figure is YOU!! They ought to make that image available during your entire shopping experience. I guarantee you'd skip the cookie isle! That image is nauseating enough to make me want to skip my groceries completely and just walk back outside!
If your favorite store isn't equipped with this nightmare, be glad! The one popular grocery store chain we have in my area is, and I'm starting to wonder if subconsciously this isn't contributing to my hatred of the place. The name of the chain is GIANT, and that's exactly how I feel when I see myself on their cameras!
I got a lot of feedback from those of you who read Reverse Anorexia and it seems all of you hate how you look in photographs. The good news is you seem to have a pretty honest perception of your weight when looking in the mirror. Most of you see yourself as larger than you are. No one seemed to have my problem; looking in the mirror but not having a true understanding of my girth until I see myself on camera or in a photograph.
Turns out one person is familiar with what I'm talking about- Rosie O' Donnel. She reported her own body misconceptions on her radio show. She claims she knew all along that she was overweight, but never really understood just how overweight she was until she started taping her talk show and saw herself on camera. I can relate.
The camera adds ten pounds...let's pray it's more like fifty! - Me
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