Monday, June 6, 2011


I don't know how many of you out there keep a journal, but I have kept one nearly my entire life.  I started writing entries right about the time I took an interest in boys, and have continually recorded life details ever since.  Over the years I've written for different reasons; love-sickness, friendships, romance, growing pains, travel expeditions, wanting to record special moments, a failing memory, a sense of history, hopes of one day writing a memoir...?  But with every year of maturity, comes writing for newer and better reasons.

My journal entries aren't as exciting as they once were.  These days few of the pages have anything to do with boys or romance, yet they continue to be a near perfect record of my life experience at any given moment.  Putting pen to paper continues to be cathartic whenever I need it to be.

I can think of no more cathartic an experience than what this blog has been. Working through the issues of my past and the struggles of my current has helped me cope with the emotions and disappointments of being a thirty-eight year old woman who is double the weight she wishes to be.  While writing this blog has taken me away from my journal, I still squeeze in an entry or two when my emotions are at an all-time high and my thoughts and words come quicker and in a more personal way than what is appropriate for this forum.

I thought I would give you a glimpse of the thoughts, emotions, and ideas I have that don't always make the cut for Two-Ton Tillies.  I am sharing an actual entry as it was written on that day, despite being deeply personal, because that's how strongly I feel that journaling is a tool in successful weight loss.  Journaling, in my opinion, is a tool for personal success of every kind and on some days it is a prescription for my sanity.

Tomorrow I will post my most recent journal entry.  I will try and fill in any gaps with brackets.  I don't expect it to make much sense to anyone who doesn't already have a looking-glass into my life, but maybe, just maybe, someone out there can relate to some of the things that end up bouncing around in my head.

"Each thought that is welcomed and recorded is a nest egg, by the side of which more will be laid." -Henry David Thoreau 

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