Monday, November 29, 2010

A Dieters Nightmare and Defense

The holidays are absolutely, positively a dieter's worst nightmare...... Even with as good as we try to be, it seems that the tiniest taste or glimpse of some of these "traditional" holiday dishes is enough to crumple the strongest of wills.

As you know, I had the job of attending 3 thanksgiving meals.... my last two went fairly well, with the exception of the consumption of a piece of pumpkin pie at one, and a piece of cherry pie at the other..small slices, but slices nonetheless. Even though I monitored what went on my plate, I still feel I robbed a store or something. I don't know why I am stuck on the all-or-nothing mentality. I can only surmise it is from the period I went through in high school where I skipped meals left and right and ate next to nothing. The ONLY time in my life where I have lost a significant amount of weight, but also probably a keystone in the mental battle of all of this. My feral brain keeps running back to "hey this worked before" but the more logical brain says "shut up stupid, see where that got you?" Its like I now have two hamsters fighting for control in my wheel. (YES, hamsters....their behavior and twitchy-ness best describes the nonsense that arises in my brain. HAHA) I think that is what kept sending me back to a million "DAY ONE" of a diet that I have been through. Now Im just on day 29 and revamping my strategy. That in itself is huge for me.

Now I get to go to the grocery store and attempt to choose healthy options that are affordable while fighting two kids in the shopping cart.......

1 comment:

  1. Tera - This might not work for you...but it does for's the law of diminishing returns. That first bite of anything (pumpkin pie, cherry pie, whatever) always tastes the BEST...after that though it's the law of diminishing return meaning that every bite after the first delivers a lessened sense of don't necessarily deny your urges (if you want), but just have the first bite. Works for me!
