Sunday, November 7, 2010


So last entry I told you about the mental torture of being on a diet, uh huh, now let me tell you about the physical torture!  My body loves to fight back!  For the last six days I have had a headache, verging on a migraine, all day, every day.  I have tried everything to avoid this hunger safety feature.  I've tried weaning myself off the calories gradually.  I've tried diving in head-on.  I've tried kicking off the day with pain relievers before the headache even begins.  Ultimately, no matter what I do I am destined to suffer.  Why??  Because dieting is like trying to keep a secret from yourself.  No matter what clever plan of attack you devise, your body knows what you are up to.  It is prepared to wage a war to stop you from depriving it of the carborific lifestyle it has become accustomed to.  While I am no stranger to exercise, my body is fully aware of what falls outside the norm and it is igniting the safety flares!  Every square inch of my body aches.  My neck hurts, my back hurts, my arms are sore, my legs are sore, my knees ache, my hands hurt.  Oh and let's not forget about the all-day headache.  And I haven't even hit the gym full blast yet!  Well today I'm sending my body a telegram...

"The jig is up.  Stop.  The party is over.  Stop.  You are no longer in charge.  Stop.  There's a new sheriff in town.  Stop.  Get used to it!  Stop."

People who do not have a serious weight problem do not understand the physical and mental dependency on food.  Since they don't experience these symptoms and reactions, they assume that every fat person is just being gluttonous.  I think food addiction is far worse than most addiction problems out there and I say this with respect and let me tell you why, because in simple terms, you don't need crack to live!  You don't need cigarettes to live.  You don't need alcohol to live.  You do, however, need food to survive.  So it's like telling a smoker to only smoke half a cigarette three times a day in a crowd of people who are chain smoking.  Food is everywhere!  You can not escape it and it's not a device like alcohol or drugs that you can simply leave behind one day.  It is always going to be a part of your life.  Mastering a healthy relationship with a device of addiction is never easy, but at least drug addicts don't have to befriend Cocaine in order to survive.

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