Sunday, February 27, 2011

AND here they are....

Gosh I wish these were pictures of flowers. I hope you read my disclaimer!
I will have some better ones next month, I will have the husband take some, but for now you've got some very Sahara-esque fleshy landscapes.
I have to hunt down a seamstress's tape measure now.


  1. hahaha....jerk! ; ) told you the back was yuck-o. belly not too bad, IF I was preggo. *sigh* Lots of work!

  2. Tera & Jennifer- you are both brave beautiful women! You've put yourself out there (Tera nearly naked!) and you're exposing yourselves (literally) and the details of how you got here and how you're getting out. You are both going to make this happen. Go Tillies!

  3. Hey look, she may have showed herself near naked but I showed the chins man, the chins! It was like a Shar Pei puppy of the face without the cute!
