Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm with her!

I agree with you Jennifer, 110%! My "favorite" commercial from the law offices is the one saying "if you or a loved one have experienced death or permenant vegetative state...." Ok, so their phrasing is a little odd, however DEATH or permenant vegetative state......WTF, seriously? Or what about the one that warns you in super fast speaking (I guess that represents the fine print that no one can see or bothers to read) that can cause any number of secondary afflictions including but not limited to taking a 'dump' on one's self? Like if they talk fast enough that we just won't be bothered to listen.
If a healthy lifestyle were promoted as fashionable or at least for God's sake made AFFORDABLE, then we might have a culture that isn't as hopped up, strung out or otherwise medicated for afflictions that are preventable. Enough with medication for medication's sake. I heard that regular groceries have gone up by 29% over the last year...that's not even including the organic things that are grown naturally. The expense is rediculous to get things that aren't ridden with pesticides, fillers and chemicals.
I mean, for crying out loud, Im knocking myself out here trying to make my own organic yogurt (and cottage cheese by the way--- I learned that entirely by accident the other night, complete with the cartoon-y exclamation point over my head with dismay....) Its a conspiracy for sure, or at the least, a damn shame.
Anyway....Im kicking my soap box out of the way for the moment, but my point is, rant on, girlfriend! Im right there with you!

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