Friday, February 25, 2011


I will post my pictures tonight, as my camera battery was dead yesterday evening and had to be put on the charger.
I am going to apply a pre-disclaimer...just so you know what you're getting into.
The images you are about to see may be too intense for some viewers; both younger and older audiences highly cautioned. Viewing side effects may include but are not limited to startling, gasping, nervous giggling, involuntary eye-twitch in one or both eyes, stomach ache, gastric reflux, gagging, vomiting, dizziness, obsessive-compulsive urges to check one's self in the mirror, staring into space, hysterical blindness, or spontaneously sh*tting one's pants. Accidental viewing may additionally cause heart palpitations, chest pain, cold sweat, and muscle tremors followed by loss of consciousness.

So prepare yourself folks, it ain't gonna be pretty!


  1. Tera, relax! They've already seen my big ass which is hard to top!

  2. LOL Jennifer. I just posted 2 pics....Im even nauseated
