I have been under the weather with the WORST sinus headache ever. It feels like my head is stuffed with cotton and I can't breathe. But I am pushing through and trying to feel somewhat human.
LOL, Jennifer, I see your ante and I call! ; ) I will post weight and pictures tonight or tomorrow. The weight will be the one I had done last week at the clinic for my DOT physical for work, because my two darling little troublemakeers broke my house scale and I need to go buy a new one. I don't know what they did, but all I know is I about passed out when I stepped on it and weighed EXACTLY half of what I expected. (was fooled for one brief, glorious, sparkling moment...)Diagnosis = a broken spring inside. I have to purchase another scale. Boo. So now, I raise you measurements AND visiting the doctor to get your meds adjusted. They aren't going to do any good if your body has adjusted to the initial dosage and your insulin production is still high. If it makes you feel better, I will be going to the doctor on Monday. I am 99% certain that I am having symptoms of PCOS returning, a sign of insulin resistance. Which means I too will be on the prescription pony. BLAH.
I am still on the yogurting experimentation path. I am on batch number 4, and I think I may have it narrowed down to correct texture. I have been 'brewing' 2% milk for 8 hours at 110 degrees, pouring off the excess liquid, stirring, cooling for 4 hours, then spooning it into cheesecloth to drain some more (greek method.) If this batch turns out well, texture wise, I am going to start experimenting with natural sweeteners-- evaporated cane juice sugar/honey/stevia and fruit. My kids have been testing the product = )
I got a good workout the other day pulling weeds that have started to grow in my dead grass. It was 2 hours of intensive digging and pulling. The back of my legs are still feebly protesting, but not in a bad way....kind of a 'we need more of this' way. I have also reconciled my differences with the Ellie, my elliptical. I figured I'd name her since we'll be spending so much time together. = )
Stay tuned for visuals on the beast I am fighting !
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