Every so many posts you can expect that I am going to climb up on my soapbox. That's just the way it is with me. I've ranted and raved about everything from the lack of natural foods in the American diet, to gym etiquette, and here comes some more. In addition to my series "Fitness Pet Peeves," I would like to add a new series called, "Wake Up America!" Not the most original title, but I can think of no other phrase that I want to scream more when I experience what I have in the last few months.
As most of you already know, I was diagnosed with an insulin problem and prescribed Metformin by my doctor. Metformin is a common Biguanide used in the treatment of Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes as an insulin therapy. In conjunction with diet and exercise, it is said to decrease glucose production, reduce hyperglycemia, reduce lipid levels, facilitate the transport of insulin, thus facilitating weight loss. What you probably don't know is how uncomfortable it makes me to be on a medication of this kind. Other common Biguanides such as Phenformin and Buformin, have been removed from the market due to their toxicity. Metformin is their replacement, but the drug pretty much works the same way just with a smaller likelihood of acidosis. Uh huh, not too comforting.
The list of possible side affects for this drug is as follows: clumsy/jerky movements, dizziness, headaches, hunger, nervousness/irritability, numbness around the mouth, pale skin, shakiness, sweating, mood swings, weakness, bloating, constipation, cough, diarrhea, fingernail changes, skin flushing, gas, heartburn, muscle pain, runny nose, sneezing, stomach pain, metallic taste in mouth, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. Wait, that's the stuff that won't kill ya! I didn't mention any of the side affects that are fatal like lactic acidosis. (insert nervous laugh here)
So why have I elected to take it despite my huge concerns about being on a pharmaceutical product?! Because the health risks I face without it are much greater. In recent years, I have tried every form of permanent weight loss with no luck. The insulin problem is quite literally blocking my efforts. Knowing that I could continue to eat right and exercise but most likely not see any positive changes in my weight is a frustrating fact to hear, but one I had been experiencing for some time before going to the doctor. Also, the reality that insulin resistant people who go untreated ended up Diabetic in less than ten years was another adversity I wasn't willing to face. Being nearly three-hundred pounds, I had more than exhausted the time window I had set for myself to solve this problem alone.
So then why am I upset?? Because I don't feel this is the case with most Americans. I don't feel most Americans have exhausted personal responsibility before turning to medication, and once on medication, I feel they abandon all personal responsibility. I don't feel most Americans even need the medications they are on, nor do I feel they suffer from half the conditions they are being "diagnosed" with. This is not the fault of the American people, it is more the intended agenda of the pharmaceutical industry. They are drug pushers. This is what they do. What I am surprised at, however, is the willingness of most Americans to succumb to this pressure with little to no angst.
Let me back up my reasoning with some recent experiences. During my sickness last week I watched a lot of daytime television. I was too sick to do much else and with years of working a day job I never really saw daytime TV before. I generally record the programs I watch and skip past the commercials. I was stunned, literally flabbergasted, at the number of pharmaceutical commercials. So much so, that I began to keep track. Do you know at one point, 1 out of every 4 commercials was for a medication?! What is going on here!? Funnier yet, was the follow-up of a law-suit commercial for said medications. "Did you suffer a heart attack due to the use of Azithromycin?" "Do you have a loved one who suffered an untimely death while taking the anti-depression medication Zoloft?" "Call the law offices of Bender & Bender- we'll get you the settlement you deserve!" That was the formula. Every fourth commercial was a pharmaceutical product, every fifth commercial a lawsuit advertisement.
Does anybody else think this is messed up?! Let me ask you something. When is the last time we cured a disease in this country? Polio?? We don't cure sh*t now! We treat! Because there is no MONEY in the cure! We have to keep people on a lifetime, consistent stream of medicines in order to make money! We have a FOR-PROFIT health care system in this country people! Wake up America! I can understand why certain politicians don't want national heath care as they own stock in the pharmaceuticals and don't want to see their bottom-line drop, but what escapes me is why more Americans don't want it!? This is exactly why I do not wear the "pink ribbon" or the "race for a cure" armband! It's not that I don't care or don't have a loved one affected by these diseases. Simply put, it's because I'm not gullible! I refuse to wear a ribbon that suggests we're even looking to find a cure. Yeah, we the people maybe, but not the powers at be! I refuse to be a part of that numbed mindset that believes a ribbon or a walk-a-thon is going to produce a cure!
True story. I went to the drug store to pick up my prescription. The lady behind the counter says to me, "if you open a store credit card you can save up to 5% on all your prescriptions!" I said, "well I only have one so I don't know if that would be much of a savings." She says to me, "you only have one?? Wow, well you're in the minority!" Really...?? Cause I'm only in my thirties and am somewhat appalled that I am even on medicine! How may prescriptions is the average 30 year old on?!?
I come to find out that despite the two phone calls I received urging me to pick up my medication, that the pharmacy only holds the prescription for a week before dumping it. So now this rather young girl is hurriedly rushing to refill my prescription. Having heard enough recent news stories about people dying because they received the wrong medicine, I become nervous. I say to her, "please take your time, I am happy to wait, I just want to be sure that I am receiving the right medication." I then say as a reminder, "METFORMIN, 500 MG, name is Jennifer ******." I see her smirk and I'm hoping I haven't offended her with my tone that suggests mistrust. I follow up with, "I'm sorry, if you can't tell, I am a little uncomfortable with taking pills and my goal is to get off them as soon as possible!" (There are three people behind the counter- an older woman, older man, and the young girl helping me, but up until this point only the young girl has been engaging me.) The older woman suddenly says laughing, "We certainly don't hear that alot!!" Then the older gentleman who looks like he's ready to burst he wants to say something so bad but I'm guessing as a Pharmacist is not supposed to, blurts out, "yeah we're not used to dealing with INFORMED customers. My favorite is when people come in here and don't even know what they're here for...I ask, 'what's the prescription' and they say, 'I don't know- they're little white pills.' (shaking his head) I respond, "that's because they're drugged up! If they're on as many meds as what she suggested (pointing to the young girl) how can they possibly know what's going on?!" "Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds this scary?!" Older woman interjects, "My son moved to Australia. He says hardly anyone is on medications there. He got his education paid for and doesn't have to pay for health care." I say sarcastically, "what, national heath care, you mean he isn't bending your ear with stories about how it's evil and he has to wait six months to get a check-up?!"
Fearing that the Pfizer people may suddenly emerge from the antacid display like goblins with billy-clubs and beat me, throw me in a potato sack, and drag me away, I decide to end the conversation and grab my prescription and run. The next visit should be interesting. They do not let me slip away without first handing me a coupon book. Wanna know what was inside...??
Allegra coupon, children's Allegra coupon, Zyrtec coupon, Claritin, Claritin-D, Citracel (thank God a calcium supplement), Prevacid, Benefiber, Excedrin, Excedrin Migraine, fish oil tablets (sigh of relief again I guess) Viactiv, Benadryl, Zantac 150, an oatmeal coupon- hey we have a positive, and a coupon for $10 off the transfer of a new prescription. I think I'll keep the oatmeal coupon and dispose of the rest...
“A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs.” -Joan Welsh
As most of you already know, I was diagnosed with an insulin problem and prescribed Metformin by my doctor. Metformin is a common Biguanide used in the treatment of Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes as an insulin therapy. In conjunction with diet and exercise, it is said to decrease glucose production, reduce hyperglycemia, reduce lipid levels, facilitate the transport of insulin, thus facilitating weight loss. What you probably don't know is how uncomfortable it makes me to be on a medication of this kind. Other common Biguanides such as Phenformin and Buformin, have been removed from the market due to their toxicity. Metformin is their replacement, but the drug pretty much works the same way just with a smaller likelihood of acidosis. Uh huh, not too comforting.
The list of possible side affects for this drug is as follows: clumsy/jerky movements, dizziness, headaches, hunger, nervousness/irritability, numbness around the mouth, pale skin, shakiness, sweating, mood swings, weakness, bloating, constipation, cough, diarrhea, fingernail changes, skin flushing, gas, heartburn, muscle pain, runny nose, sneezing, stomach pain, metallic taste in mouth, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. Wait, that's the stuff that won't kill ya! I didn't mention any of the side affects that are fatal like lactic acidosis. (insert nervous laugh here)
So why have I elected to take it despite my huge concerns about being on a pharmaceutical product?! Because the health risks I face without it are much greater. In recent years, I have tried every form of permanent weight loss with no luck. The insulin problem is quite literally blocking my efforts. Knowing that I could continue to eat right and exercise but most likely not see any positive changes in my weight is a frustrating fact to hear, but one I had been experiencing for some time before going to the doctor. Also, the reality that insulin resistant people who go untreated ended up Diabetic in less than ten years was another adversity I wasn't willing to face. Being nearly three-hundred pounds, I had more than exhausted the time window I had set for myself to solve this problem alone.
So then why am I upset?? Because I don't feel this is the case with most Americans. I don't feel most Americans have exhausted personal responsibility before turning to medication, and once on medication, I feel they abandon all personal responsibility. I don't feel most Americans even need the medications they are on, nor do I feel they suffer from half the conditions they are being "diagnosed" with. This is not the fault of the American people, it is more the intended agenda of the pharmaceutical industry. They are drug pushers. This is what they do. What I am surprised at, however, is the willingness of most Americans to succumb to this pressure with little to no angst.
Let me back up my reasoning with some recent experiences. During my sickness last week I watched a lot of daytime television. I was too sick to do much else and with years of working a day job I never really saw daytime TV before. I generally record the programs I watch and skip past the commercials. I was stunned, literally flabbergasted, at the number of pharmaceutical commercials. So much so, that I began to keep track. Do you know at one point, 1 out of every 4 commercials was for a medication?! What is going on here!? Funnier yet, was the follow-up of a law-suit commercial for said medications. "Did you suffer a heart attack due to the use of Azithromycin?" "Do you have a loved one who suffered an untimely death while taking the anti-depression medication Zoloft?" "Call the law offices of Bender & Bender- we'll get you the settlement you deserve!" That was the formula. Every fourth commercial was a pharmaceutical product, every fifth commercial a lawsuit advertisement.
Does anybody else think this is messed up?! Let me ask you something. When is the last time we cured a disease in this country? Polio?? We don't cure sh*t now! We treat! Because there is no MONEY in the cure! We have to keep people on a lifetime, consistent stream of medicines in order to make money! We have a FOR-PROFIT health care system in this country people! Wake up America! I can understand why certain politicians don't want national heath care as they own stock in the pharmaceuticals and don't want to see their bottom-line drop, but what escapes me is why more Americans don't want it!? This is exactly why I do not wear the "pink ribbon" or the "race for a cure" armband! It's not that I don't care or don't have a loved one affected by these diseases. Simply put, it's because I'm not gullible! I refuse to wear a ribbon that suggests we're even looking to find a cure. Yeah, we the people maybe, but not the powers at be! I refuse to be a part of that numbed mindset that believes a ribbon or a walk-a-thon is going to produce a cure!
True story. I went to the drug store to pick up my prescription. The lady behind the counter says to me, "if you open a store credit card you can save up to 5% on all your prescriptions!" I said, "well I only have one so I don't know if that would be much of a savings." She says to me, "you only have one?? Wow, well you're in the minority!" Really...?? Cause I'm only in my thirties and am somewhat appalled that I am even on medicine! How may prescriptions is the average 30 year old on?!?
I come to find out that despite the two phone calls I received urging me to pick up my medication, that the pharmacy only holds the prescription for a week before dumping it. So now this rather young girl is hurriedly rushing to refill my prescription. Having heard enough recent news stories about people dying because they received the wrong medicine, I become nervous. I say to her, "please take your time, I am happy to wait, I just want to be sure that I am receiving the right medication." I then say as a reminder, "METFORMIN, 500 MG, name is Jennifer ******." I see her smirk and I'm hoping I haven't offended her with my tone that suggests mistrust. I follow up with, "I'm sorry, if you can't tell, I am a little uncomfortable with taking pills and my goal is to get off them as soon as possible!" (There are three people behind the counter- an older woman, older man, and the young girl helping me, but up until this point only the young girl has been engaging me.) The older woman suddenly says laughing, "We certainly don't hear that alot!!" Then the older gentleman who looks like he's ready to burst he wants to say something so bad but I'm guessing as a Pharmacist is not supposed to, blurts out, "yeah we're not used to dealing with INFORMED customers. My favorite is when people come in here and don't even know what they're here for...I ask, 'what's the prescription' and they say, 'I don't know- they're little white pills.' (shaking his head) I respond, "that's because they're drugged up! If they're on as many meds as what she suggested (pointing to the young girl) how can they possibly know what's going on?!" "Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds this scary?!" Older woman interjects, "My son moved to Australia. He says hardly anyone is on medications there. He got his education paid for and doesn't have to pay for health care." I say sarcastically, "what, national heath care, you mean he isn't bending your ear with stories about how it's evil and he has to wait six months to get a check-up?!"
Fearing that the Pfizer people may suddenly emerge from the antacid display like goblins with billy-clubs and beat me, throw me in a potato sack, and drag me away, I decide to end the conversation and grab my prescription and run. The next visit should be interesting. They do not let me slip away without first handing me a coupon book. Wanna know what was inside...??
Allegra coupon, children's Allegra coupon, Zyrtec coupon, Claritin, Claritin-D, Citracel (thank God a calcium supplement), Prevacid, Benefiber, Excedrin, Excedrin Migraine, fish oil tablets (sigh of relief again I guess) Viactiv, Benadryl, Zantac 150, an oatmeal coupon- hey we have a positive, and a coupon for $10 off the transfer of a new prescription. I think I'll keep the oatmeal coupon and dispose of the rest...
“A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs.” -Joan Welsh
Outstanding observations! At least I know I'm not alone in my thinking. What is the world coming to. When even Dr. Phil resorts to doing a "reality" show on bickering, spoiled, back-stabbing "housewives", you know the end is near.
ReplyDeleteIt truly is sad and shocking at the same time. I hate being a part of the statistic but for now I gotta do what I gotta do. I can't wait to get off this sh*t! As for Dr. Phil, I'm a huge fan, but I do think the "housewives" series is beneath him.