Monday, February 14, 2011

Forgotten, but NOT Gone.

Yesterday I got caught off-guard, unawares, and completely with my back turned. I was upstairs (I had actually just finished lugging my new-used elliptical machine upstairs---too cool by the way---I was too stoked to wait for the husband to get home and help) and I had gone into the bedroom to make sure that my sons weren't flooding the house again, when there was the doorbell. Doorbell? On a Sunday? Something was desparately wrong..... I peered out of my upstairs window and saw a maroon SUV.

INSTANTLY I was filled with dread and panic. OH NO! I completely forgot....

I found myself breaking into a sweat across my forehead and my hands went cold. How could I have possibly forgotten? I sprinted downstairs and through the living room and stopped at the front door, staring at it. Then came a loud knock. I jump. Maybe its not too late to pretend that I am not home.....RATS, the garage door is open, dead give-away. I am going to have to open the door and face the most sinister person on the planet.

WHO is this mystery person, you may find yourself asking, that could cause such a panic? WHO could possibly cause this degree of upset? Chatty neighbor? An Ex? Police? FBI? Child announcing that your hubby is their baby daddy? No, no, no, no and no. Traveling salesman? No........ Grim reaper? No, but you're getting close.

Think about it. Who knocks on doors in Mid-February, that you might have seen once before, that you just cant ignore because it would be SO incredibly wrong? Still puzzled? What strikes fear into the heart of a fat woman trying to slim down, (and no there's not a person in a twinkie suit on my doorstep.) Think food....think sweets.....February?

The evil GIRLSCOUT!!!!!


I open the door. "Why hello Suzie Girlscout! So nice to see you again. How much do I owe you? $28? Ok no problem. Thank you Suzie Girlscout, have a great day!" Girlscout cookies are now $3.50 a box. You do the math. I now have not a modest 1 or 2 boxes in my house but a whopping EIGHT. I ordered them ages ago and had clean forgot that my name was on that paper someplace, presumably in support of a good cause.

God bless the Girlscouts, but they are making us fatter one box of cookies at a time.

Yesterday, we will say, was a huge wash--diet wise. I have recovered from my stomach ache, and re-gained my mental stamina and composure. I pick up today where I left off. Waddling forward, fat girl style, returning to my penguin path.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tera, Great post! I just about split my big fat gut open laughing! Check out my V-day post & you will see temptation is all around us.
