Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mediiiic, MEHDIC!

I feel like I have been run over by the entire entry roster of the Boston Marathon. Blah. I had to be Ms Gung Ho and go too long and fast on that elliptical. I got on and was chugging along, since it's low impact I guess I didn't feel it right away. Anyway, I went to bed after my workout and went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning and I tried to put my feet on the floor, I realized that my upper body was moving, but the lower half was still in place, screaming in abject protest. End result?

I faceplanted into the carpet, azz-over-applecart style, ankle over armpit.

So now not only am I fat and hungry, but I have rug burn on my forehead and a gimp limp.


My second discovery in all of this is that the dog barks at me when I am on the elliptical. EVEN if I put her outside. Somehow she still knows.

All complaining aside, I AM starting to loose weight. I know this because the first spot to loose the weight is beginning to deflate. Which means I may be bra shopping very soon. My tummy fat is also starting to soften instead of being rock hard. I have decided that I am not getting on a scale until the end of february. Hopefully I will have a two digit number to look at.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Tera! Keep it up! Some day you will look back and say I remember when...
